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We are the expert and world renowned ib assignment specialists for all the subjects such as math hl ia, math sl ia, mathematics studies ia, math extended essay, physics ia extended essay, chemistry ia extended essay, biology ia extended essay, economics ia/commentary extended essay, business management ia extended essay, design technology dt ia extended essay, tok Example sample essay and tok presentation Tok structure , English written task wt, English written assignment WA, History ia extended essay, Geography ia extended essay, etc. 100% guarantee for top class grades

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Email: ramprhr@gmail.com )

Website: http://www.topclassibtutors.com.
The extended essay covers an in-depth study of a topic chosen from one of the subjects offered in the ib program that may change or may not change each year. An extended essay exposure helps a lot in higher education; its purpose is to acquaint you with the kind of independent research and original writing skills expected by universities. Mainly, an extended essay writing is emphasised on the process of engaging in personal research, on the communication of ideas and information in a logical and coherent manner, and on the overall presentation of the extended essay in compliance with IBO guidelines. Although extended essay topics vary year to year but your extended essay topic must fall under one of the subjects listed below.

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