A Las Vegas Virtual is the perfect solution

Location: Las Vegas

Ad details

A perfect fit for your life and work.  Virtual offices allow you to spend time on your business at your convenience.  You schedule your work hours to suite your life.  If your business is not busy enough to warrant a dedicated office space, then a virtual office is just right for you.

With a Virtual Office your calls will be answered in your company name and forwarded to any number of your choice.  Your home office, cell or office across town.  We also offer mail services if that is all you need.  Use our prestigious business address with your own assigned suite number.  You can pick up your mail or we can forward it on to you.

Do you need a conference room on demand?  We have two to choose from.  Need a day office?  We have the space you need.

St Rose Executive Suites and Virtual Offices has many clients just like you.  Many of which have graduated to our executive suites and many others onto buildings of their own!

Stop by and see what we can do for you.  A virtual office is the solution you’ve been seeking.

Ad ref: 30663 | Posted 10 years ago